Труды Р.И. Мэрчисона
Murchison R.I. Geological sketch of the north-western extremity of Sussex, and the
adjoining parts of Hants and Surrey // Trans. Geol. Soc. London. Ser. 2. 1826.
Vol. 2. P. 97-108.
Murchison R.I. On the coal-field of Brora, in Sutherlandshire, and some other
stratified deposits in the north of Scotland // Trans. Geol. Soc. London. Ser.
2. 1827. Vol. 2. P. 293-326.
Murchison R.I. Supplementary remarks on the strata of the Oolitic Series and the
rocks associated with them in Sutherland, Ross, and the Hebrides // Ibid. P. 353-368.
Lуell Ch., Murchison R.I. Sur les
dépôts lacustres tertiaires du Cantal et leurs rapports avec les
roches primordiales et volcaniques // An. Sci. Natur. 1829. Vol. 18. P. 173-214.
Murchison R.I., Sedgwick
A. On the geological relations of the Secondary
strata in the Isle of Arran // Trans. Geol. Soc. London. Ser. 2. 1829. Vol. 3.
P. 21-36.
Murchison R.I., Sedgwick
A. On the structure and relations of the
deposits contained between the Primary rocks and the Oolitic Series in the
north of Scotland // Ibid. P. 125-160.
Lуe11 Ch., Murchison R.I. On the
excavation of valleys, as illustrated by the volcanic rocks of Central France
// Edinburgh New Philos. J. 1829. Vol. 7. P. 15-48.
Lуe11 Ch., Murchison R.I. On the
Tertiary freshwater formations of Aix in Province, including the coal-field of
Fuveau // Edinburgh New Philos. J. 1829. Vol. 7. P.
Murchison R.I. On the fossil fox found at Œningen near Constance; with an
account of the deposit in which it was imbedded // Trans. Geol. Soc. London.
Ser. 2. 1832. Vol. 3. P. 277-290.
Sedgwick A., Murchison
R.I. A sketch of the structure of the Eastern
Alps; with sections through the newer formations on the northern flanks of the
Chain, and through the Tertiary deposits of Styria, &c. &c. // Ibid. P. 301-420.
Murchison R.I. Address to the Geological Society, delivered on the evening of
the 15th February, 1833 // Trans. Geol. Soc. London. 1833. Vol. 1. P.
Murchison R.I. On the gravel and alluvial deposits of those parts of the counties
of Hereford, Salop and Worcester, which consist of old red sandstone; with an
account of the puffstone or travertin of Spothouse and of the Southstone rock
near Tenbury // Trans. Geol. Soc. London. Vol. 2. 1834. P. 77-78.
Murchison R.I. On the Old Red Sandstone in the counties of Hereford, Brecknock, and
Caermarthenshires, with descriptions of the accompanying rocks of intrusive or
igneous characters // Ibid. P. 470-477.
Murchison R.I. On the structure and classification of the transition rocks of
Shropshire, Herefordshire, and part of Wales, and on the lines of disturbance
which have affected that series of deposits, including the valley of elevation
of Woolhope // Ibid. P. 13-18.
Murchison R.I. On the Upper Greywacke series of England and Wales // Edinburgh New
Philos. J. Ser. 1. 1834. Vol. 17. P. 365-368.
Murchison R.I. Outline of the geology of the neighbourhood of Cheltenham.
Cheltenham: Henry Davies, Montpellier Library, 1834.
Murchison R.I. On the Silurian System of rocks // Philos. Mag. Ser. 3. 1835. Vol. 7. P. 46-53.
Sedgwick A. Murchison R.I. A sketch of the structure of the Austrian Alps // Ibid. Vol.
3. P. 21-36.
Murchison R.I. On the geological structure of Pembrokeshire, more particularly on
the extension of the Silurian System of rocks in the coast cliffs of the county
// Trans. Geol. Soc. London. 1836. Vol. 2. P. 226-230.
Sedgwick A. Murchison
R.I. On the Silurian and Cambrian Systems,
exhibiting the order in which the older sedimentary strata succeed each other
in England and Wales // Rep. and Proc. Brit. As. Adv. Sci. 1836. Pt. 2. P.
Murchison R.I. The Silurian system, founded on geological researches in the
counties of Salop, Hereford, Radnor, Montgomery, Caermarthen, Brecon, Pembroke,
Monmouth, Gloucester, Worcester, and Stafford; with descriptions of the
coal-fields and overlying formations. London: John
Murray, 1839. 768 p. : 112 il. : 31 pl.
Sedgwick A., Murchison R.I. Classification of the older stratified rocks of Devonshire and
Cornwall // Philos. Magazine. 1839. Vol. 14. P. 241-260.
Murchison R.I. Description de quelques unes des coquilles fossiles les plus
abondantes dans les couches devoniennes du Bas−Boulonnais // Bull. Soc.
géol. France. 1840. T. 11. P. 250–256.
Murchison R.I. On the fishes of the Old Red Sandstone // Rep. and Proc. Brit. As.
Adv. Sci. 1840. P. 99.
Murchison R.I., Sabine E. Address of the general secretaries of the British Association.
Glasgow: W.G. Blakie & Co., 1840. 14 p.
Murchison R.I., Strickland H.E. On the upper
formations of the New Red Sandstone System in Gloucestershire, Worcestershire,
and Warwickshire; showing that the red or saliferous marls, including a
peculiar zone of sandstone, represent the ‘Keuper’ or ‘Marnes irisées’;
with some account of the underlying sandstone of Ombersley, Bromsgrove, and
Warwick, proving that it is the ‘Bunter Sandstein’ or ‘Grès
Bigarré’ of foreign Geologists // Trans. Geol. Soc. London. Ser. 2. 1840. Vol. 5. P. 331-348.
Sedgwick A., Murchison
R.I. Description of a raised beach in
Barnstaple Bay, on the north-west coast of Devonshire // Ibid. P. 279-286.
Sedgwick A., Murchison R.I. On the physical structure of Devonshire, and on the subdivisions
and geological relations of its older stratified deposits, &c. // Ibid. P.
Murchison R.I.,
Verneui1 E. On the stratified deposits which
occupy the northern and central regions of Russia // Rep. and Proc. Brit. As.
Adv. Sci. (1840) 1841. Pt. 2. P. 105-110.
Murchison R.I. Notes on a section and a list of fossils from the State of New York
// Trans. Geol. Soc. London. 1841. Vol. 3. P. 416.
Murchison R.I. Observations géologiques sur la Russie // Bull. Soc.
natur. Moscou. 1841. N 4. P. 901-909.
Murchison R.I. Tours in Russian provinces // Quart. Rev. 1841. N 134. March.
Murchison R.I., Verneuil E. Résumé des observations géologiques principales
faites dans un voyage dans la Russie septentrionale // Bull. Soc.
géol. France. Ser.
1. 1841. T. 12. P.
Мурчисон Р.И. Геологические наблюдения в
России: (Письмо к Г. Фишеру фон Вальдгейму) // Горн. журнал. 1841. T. 4. №.
11/12. С. 160-169. URL
Мурчисон Р.И. Краткий отчет о геологическом
путешествии по России в 1841 г. : Письмо Р. Мурчисона министру финансов // Там
же. С. 145-160. URL
Murchison R.I. Anniversary address of the President // Trans. Geol. Soc. London.
1842. Vol. 3. P. 637-687.
Murchison R.I., Verneui1 E.,
Keyserling A. On the geological structure of
the central and southern regions of Russia in Europe, and of the Ural
mountains, being a general summary of a second geological survey during 1841.
London: Richard and John E. Taylor, 1842. 37 p.
Sedgwick A., Murchison
R.I. On the distribution and classification of
the older or Palaeozoic deposits of the north of Germany and Belgium, and their
comparison with formation of the same age in the British Isles // Trans. Geol.
Soc. London. Ser. 2. 1842. Vol. 6. P. 221-301.
Murchison R.I. Anniversary address of the president // Trans. Geol. Soc. London.
1843. Vol. 4. P. 65-151.
Murchison R.I. A few observations on the Ural mountains to accompany a new map of
southern portion of that chain // J. Geogr. Soc. London. 1843. Vol. 13. P. 269.
Murchison R.I. Geological map of England and Wales. London: Society for the
diffusion of useful knowledge. 1843. (Scale
Murchison R.I. 1. The Permian System of rocks. 2. Theory of the origin of coals. 3.
Lines of ancient sea-levels. 4. On Mastodontoid and Megatherioid animals //
Edinburgh. New Philos. J. 1843. Vol. 35. P. 115.
Murchison R.I., Verneuil E.,
Keyserling A. Zweiter geologischer Überblick
über Europaïsch-Russland // Philos. Mag.
1843. Vol. 23. P. 57-71.
Murchison R.I. Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London; delivered
at the Anniversary Meeting on the 27th May, 1844 // J. Geogr. Soc. London.
1844. Vol. 14. P. XIV-CXXVIII.
Murchison R.I. Üeber die allgemeinen Beziehungen zwischen den älteren
paläozoischen Sedimenten in Scandinavien und in baltischen Provinzen
Russlands // Verh. Rus. mineral. Ges. 1844. S.
Murchison R.I., Verneuil E. Note sur les équivalent du système permien en Europe,
suivie d’un coup d’œil général sur l’ensemble de ses
fossiles, et d’un tableau des espèces // Bull. Soc. geol. France. 1844. T. 1. P. 475-518.
Murchison R.I. On the Palaeozoic deposits of Scandinavia and the Baltic Provinces
of Russia and their relations to Azoic or more ancient crystalline rocks; with
an account of some great features of dislocation and metamorphism along their
northern frontiers // Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London. 1845. Vol. 1. P. 467-494.
Murchison R.I., Verneuil E. On the Permian System as developed in Russia and other parts
of Europe // Ibid. 1. P. 81-87.
Murchison R. I., Verneuil, E.,
Keyserling A. The geology of Russia in Europe
and the Ural mountains. Vol 1: Geology. London: John Murray, 1845. 700 p. ; Vol. 2. Géologie de la Russie d’Europe et des
montagnes de l’Oural. Vol. 2 : Paléontologie.
Londrés: J. Murray; Paris: P. Bertrand, 1845. 512 p. URL То же на русск. яз. Мурчисон Р.И.,
Вернейль Ф.Э., Кейзерлинг А.А. Геологическое описание Европейской
России и хребта Уральского // Горн. журнал. 1846-1848; Отд. изд. В
2 ч. СПб.: тип. ИАН, 1849: Ч. 1. 1141 с. URL; Ч.
2. XII, 649 c. URL; Рец.
Г.Е. Щуровский. Критический обзор «Геологии Европейской России и
хребта Уральского» // Москвитянин. 1850. № 12, 13, 14, 16; // Сын Отечества. 1850. Т.
2. № 3. Отд. 6. С. 9-21.
Мурчисон Р. О взаимном отношении между
древними палеозоическими осадками в Скандинавии и в Балтийских губерниях //
Горн. журнал. 1845. № 7. С.
33-65. URL
Murchison R.I. On the superficial detritus of Sweden and on the probable causes
which have affected the surface of the rocks in the central and southern
portions of that kingsdom // Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London. 1846. Vol. 2. P.
Murchison R.I. Additional remarks on the deposit of Œningen in
Switzerland // Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London. 1847. Vol. 3. P. 54.
Murchison R.I. Introduction to a second memoir of Captain Vicary on the geology of
parts of Sinde // Ibid. Pt. 1. P. 331-349.
Murchison R.I. On the meaning originally attached to the term ‘Cambrian System’,
and on the evidences since obtained of its being geologically synonymous with
the previously established term ‘Lower Silurian’ // Ibid. P. 165-179.
Murchison R.I. On the Silurian and associated rocks in Dalecarlia, and on the
succession from Lower to Upper Siluria in Smoland, Oland and Gothland, and in
Scania // Ibid. P. 1-48.
Murchison R.I. Lettre de sir Rod. Murchison à m.
Fuss. London, avril 15, 1847 // Bull. Acad. sci. St.-Ptb. Cl. phys.-math. (1847) 1848. T. 6. N 14.
Correspodance. Col. 219-221.
Murchison R.I. On the geological structure of the Alps, Apennines, and Carpathians,
more especially to prove a transition from Secondary to Tertiary rocks, and the
development of Eocene deposits in Southern Europe // Quart. J. Geol. Soc.
London. 1849. Vol. 5. P. 157-312 : map. URL
Murchison R.I. On the inapplicability of the new term ‘Dyas’ то the ‘Permian’ group of rocks, as proposed by Dr. Geinitz //
London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philos. Mag.; Extr. Vol. 15. 1849. 8 p.
Murchison R.I. On the distribution of the superficial detritus of the Alps, as
compared with that of Northern Europe // Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London. 1850.
Vol. 6. P. 65-69.
Murchison R.I. On the earlier volcanic rocks of the Papal states, and adjacent
parts of Italy // Ibid. P. 281-310.
Murchison R.I. On the vents of hot vapour in Tuscany, and their relation to ancient
lines of fracture and eruption // Ibid. P. 367-384.
Murchison R.I. Siberia and California // Quart. Rev. 1850. Vol. 87. P. 139-178.
Murchison R.I. On the distribution of the Flint drift of the south-east of England
on the flanks of the Weald, and over the surface of the South and North Downs
// Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London. 1851. Vol. 7. 1851. P. 257, 349-398.
Murchison R.I. On the origin of the mineral springs of Vichy // Ibid. P. 76-84.
Murchison R.I. On the Silurian rocks of the south of Scotland // Ibid. P. 139-178.
Murchison R.I. The slaty rocks of the Sichon, or northern end of the chain of the
Forez, in Central France, shown to be of Carboniferous age // Ibid. P. 13-18.
Murchison R.I. On the anticipation of the discovery of gold in Australia; with a
general view of the conditions under which that metal is distributed // Quart.
J. Geol. Soc. of London. 1852. Vol. 8. P. 134-136.
Murchison R.I. On the meaning of the term “Silurian System” as adopted by
geologists in various countries during the last ten years // Ibid. P. 173-184.
Murchison R.I. The Silurian System // Literary Gazette. 1852. N 1835. P. 278-279; N 1840. P. 369-370.
Мурчисон Р.И. О нахождении золота в
земной коре и о географическом его распространении по земной поверхности //
Вестн. РГО. 1852. T. 5. Кн. 1. Отд. 3. Извлеч. из
иностр. соч. С. 37-46. URLl
Мурчисон Р.И. Предположение
существования золота в Австралии и общий взгляд на распространение этого
металла в земле // Вестн. РГО. 1852. Т. 4. Отд. 5. Геогр. и этногр. хроника. С. 152-154. URL
Murchison R.I. Note on the age and relative position of the sandstone containing
fossil plants at Lerwick in the Shetland Isles // Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London.
1853. Vol. 9. P. 50-51.
Murchison R.I. On some of the remains in the bone-bed of the Upper Ludlow rock //
Ibid.. P. 16-17.
Мурчисон Р.И. Обозрение успехов
географической науки в 1852 г. // Вестн. РГО. 1853. Т. 9. Отд. 5. Извлеч. из иностр. соч. С.
15-88. URL
Murchison R.I. Siluria: a history of the oldest known rocks containing organic
remains, with a brief sketch of the distribution of gold over the earth. 8
vols. London: John Murray, 1854. URL
Murchison R.I. Additional observations on the Silurian and Devonian rocks near
Christiania in Norway, – on presenting M. Theodor Kjerulfs new Geological Map
of the district // Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London. 1855. Vol. 11. P.161-165.
Murchison R.I. On the occurence of numerous fragments of fir-wood in the islands of
the Arctic archipelago; with remarks on the rock-specimens brought from that
region // Ibid. P. 540-541.
Murchison R.I., Morris
J. On the Palæozoic and their associated
rocks of the Thüringerwald and the Harz // Ibid. P. 409-450.
Murchison R.I. On the discovery, by Mr. Robert Slimon, of fossils in the uppermost
Silurian rocks near Lesmahago in Scotland, with observations on the relations
of the Palæzoic strata in that part of Lanarkshire // Quart. J. Geol.
Soc. London. 1856. Vol. 12. P. 15-25.
Murchison R.I. On the relations of the crystalline rocks of the North Highlands to
the Old Red Sandstone of that region, and on the recent discoveries of fossils
in the former by Mr. Charles Peach // British As. Adv. Sci. 25th meeting:
[Glasgow. 1855] : Report. London: John Murray, 1856. P. 85-88.
Murchison R.I. On the crystalline rocks of the North Highlands of Scotland (in the
form of a letter addressed to Sit William Logan) // Am. As. Adv. Sci.
11th meeting: [Montreal, Canada. 1857]: Proceedings. Pt. 2. Cambridge: J.
Lovering, 1858. P. 57-61.
Murchison R.I. On the quartz rocks, crystalline limestones, and micaceous schists
of the North-Western Highlands of Scotland, proved to be of Silurian age,
through the recent discoveries of Mr. C. Peach // British As. Adv. Sci.
27th meeting: [Dublin. 1857]: Report. London: John Murray, 1858. P. 82-83.
Murchison R.I. On the succession of rocks in the Northern Highlands, from the
oldest gneiss, through strata of Cambrian Lower Silurian age, to the Old Red
Sandstone inclusive // Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London.
1858. Vol. 14. P. 501-504.
Murchison R.I. Sur une nouvelle classification des terrains de IEcosse // Bull. Soc.
geol. France. 1858. T. 15. P. 367-368.
Murchison R.I. The Silurian rocks and fossils of Norway, as described by M.
Theodor Кjeru1f; those of the Baltic Provinces of
Russia, by Professor Schmidt, and both compared with their British equivalents
// Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London. 1858. Vol. 14. P. 36-43.
Murchison R.I. On the sandstones of Morayshire (Elgin, & c.) containing
reptilian remains; and on their relations to the Old Red Sandstone of that
county // Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London. 1859. Vol. 15. P. 419-439.
Murchison R.I. On the succession of the older rocks in the northernmost counties of
Scotland; with some observations on the Orkney and Shetland Islands // Ibid. P.
353-418; 419*-421*: tab. (with first sketch of a new map of the north of
Murchison R.I. Some results of recent researches among the older rocks of the
Highlands of Scotland // British As. Adv. Sci. 28th meeting: [Leeds. 1858]: Report. London: John Murray, 1859. P. 94-96.
Murchison R.I. Supplemental observations on the order of the ancient stratified
rocks of the north of Scotland, and their associated eruptive rocks // Quart.
J. Geol. Soc. London. 1860. Vol. 16. P. 215-240.
Murchison R.I., Geiкie A. On the altered rocks of the
western islands of Scotland, and the North-Western and Central Highlands //
Ibid. Vol. 17. P. 171-229.
Murchison R.I., Geiкie A On the coincidence between
stratification and foliation in the crystaline rocks of the Scottish Highlands
// Ibid. P. 232-240.
Мурчисон Р.И. О неприложимости
предлагаемого доктором Гейницом нового термина «диас» к «пермской формации» //
Вестн. естеств. наук. 1860. Т. 7. № 47-52. Стлб. 1496-1503.
Murchison R.I. Address to the geological section of the British Association at
Manchester Sept. 5, 1861. Manchester: A. Ireland & Co., 1861. 25 p.
Murchison R.I., Geiкie A. First sketch of a new geological
map of Scotland with explanatory notes, 1862. URL
Murchison R.I. Quelques mots sur I’existence de gneiss fondamental ou laurentian, et
sur le développement des dépôts de lâge permien en
Bohème // Bull. Soc. geol. France. 1862. Vol.
20. P. 155.
Murchison R.I. Thirty years retrospect of the progress in our knowledge of the
geology of the older rocks // Am. J. Sci., Arts. 1862. Vol. 33. P. 1-21.
Murchison R.I. On the gneiss and other Azoic rocks, and on the superadjacent Palaeozoic
formations, of Bavaria and Bohemia // Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London. 1863. Vol.
19. P. 354-368.
Murchison R.I. On the Permian rocks of north-eastern Bohemia // Ibid. 297-306.
Murchison R.I. On the antiquity of the physical geography of inner Africa // J.
Geogr. Soc. London. 1864. Vol. 34. P. 201.
Murchison R.I., Harkness R. On the Permian rocks of the north-west of England and their
extension into Scotland // Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London. 1864. Vol. 20. P.
Murchison R.I. Note on communicating the notes and map of Dr. Julius Haast upon the
glaciers and rock-basins of New Zealand // Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London. 1865.
Vol. 21. P. 129-130.
Murchison R.I. Observations on the classification of the Silurian rocks; being an
introduction to the Brachiopoda of that System // Th. Davidson. A monograph of
the British fossil Brachiopoda. Part. VII: The Silurian Brachiopoda. London:
Paleont. Soc., 1866. P. 19-31.
Murchison R.I. Note comparing the geological structure of north-western
Siberia with that of Russia in Europe // Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London. 1869.
Vol. 25. P. 1-4.
Murchison R.I. Notes on the auriferous rocks of the south-eastern Africa by
dr. Sutherland, Surv // Ibid. P. 169-172.
Мурчисон Р.И. Сравнение
геологического строения северо-западной Сибири с строением Европейской России
// Горн. журнал. 1869. Кн.
5.. С. 268-272. URL
Murchison R.I. On the succession of the Laurentian, Cambrian and Lower
Silurian rocks on the shores of Loch Broom // Geol. Mag., 1870. Vol. 7. P.
Geikie A. Sir Roderick Murchison: [Obituary] // Nature. 1871/1872. Vol. 5. N
105. P. 10-12 : port.
Kobell F. v. Nekrolog auf Sir Roderick Impey
Murchison // Sitzungsber. mathem.-phys. Cl. bayer. Acad. Wis. 1872. Bd. 2. S.
Горн. журнал. 1871. № 10. С. 173-174. URL
Отчет РГО за 1871 г. 1872. С. 3-7. URL
Гельмерсен Г.П. Сэр Родерик Импей Мурчисон: [Некролог] // Зап. ИАН. 1872. Т. 20. №. 2. С. 176-190; То же // Горн. журнал.
1872. № 2. С. 340-352. URL; Отд изд. СПб.: тип. ИАН, 1872. 15 с.; То же на
нем. яз. // Bull. Acad. sci. St.-Ptb. Sér. 3. 1872. T. 17. Suppl. Col. 295-307. URL
Кокшаров Н.И. Речь по поводу
кончины Мурчисона // Зап. СПб. минерал. об-ва. 1872. Ч.
7. Проток. С. 387-389; То же // С.-Петерб. ведомости. 1872. № 302. С. 1-2.
Литература о Р. Мэрчисоне
Auerbach J., Frears H. Notices sur quelques passages de l’ouvrage de mm. Murchison, E. de
Verneuil et le comte A. de Keyzerling: ‘Géologie de la Russie d’Europe et des montagnes de l’Oural’ //
Bull. Soc. natur. Moscou. 1846. T. 19. N 1. P. 486-500. URL
Bassett M. ‘Transition rocks and Grauwacké’ – the Silurian and
Cambrian Systemsa through 150 years // Episodes. 1985. Vol. 8. N. 4. P.
Collie M., Diemer J. Murchison’s wanderings in Russia: his geological exploration of
Russia in Europe and the Ural mountains, 1840 and 1841. British Geological
Survey. Amersham: Halstan, 2004. 474 p.
Dana J.D. Sedgwick and Murchison. Cambrian and Silurian // Am. J.
Sci. 1890. (3) 39. P. 167-180.
Geikie A. Life of Sir R.I. Murchison, based on his journals and letters: 2
vols. London: John Murray, 1875: Vol. 1. XIV, 387 p.; Vol. 2I. VIII, 375 p.
Margérie E. de. Catalogue des bibliographies géologiques. Paris, 1816. P.
328. [Список некрологов Р.И. Мурчисона]
Rudwick M.J.S. Murchison, Roderick Impey // Dictionary of
Scientific Biography. Vol. 9. N.Y.: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1974. P. 582–585.
Thackray J.C. Essential source-material of Roderick Murchison // J. Soc.
Bibliogr. Natur. Hist..
1972. Vol. 6. Pt.
3. P. 162-170.
Барбот-де-Марни Н.П. Геологический
обзор: О химических анализах горных пород Юстуса Рота. Письмо Бунзена к Штренгу
о теории образования гранита. Исследования Розе над происхождением углекислой
извести. О метеоритах вообще Гайдингера. Метеорические камни из Тулы и
Ставрополя-Кавказского. Огромные глыбы метеоритного железа, найденные в
Австралии. Гаюин, новая порода, и кинцитит. Путешествие г. Миддендорфа в Сибирь
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Составитель: И.Г. Малахова