Информационная система

История геологии и горного дела


организация: Geological Society of London
Royal Society of Edinburgh
Санкт-Петербургский политехнический институт
Anderson College
Манчестерский университет
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Связанные фотографии:[ Просмотреть ]
ФИО / Surname, 1st name, 2nd name (in Russian):Томкеев Сергей Иванович
Имя (русский язык) / 1st name (in Russian):Сергей
Отчество (русский язык) / 2nd name (in Russian):Иванович
Фамилия (русский язык) / Surname (in Russian):Томкеев
Имя (английский язык) / 1st name:Sergei
Фамилия (английский язык) / Surname:Tomkeieff,
Век / Century:XX
Дата рождения / Date of birthday:1892, 21 сентября
Место рождения / Place of birthday:г. Вильно, Российская империя
Дата смерти / Date of death:1968, 27 ноября
Место смерти / Place of death:г. Ньюкасл на Тайне, Великобритания
Ученое звание / Scientific degree:
Область научных исследований / Fields of interest:Геология / Минералогия, Геология / Петрография, Геология / Геохимия, Геология / История геологических наук
География исследований / Regions of explorations:Британские острова
Членство в обществах / Scientific institutions membership:
Биография / Biography:
Библиография / Bibliography:

Труды С.И. Томкеева

Белянкин Д.С., Томкеев С.И. О минералогическом составе сиенита из Плауэна (Plauenscher Grund, близ Дрездена) // Изв. Петрогр. политехн. ин-та. Отд. техн., ест. и мат. 1915. Т. 23. Вып. 2. С. 425-434.

Tomkeieff S.I. The structure of aragonite // Min. Mag. 1925. Vol. 20. P. 408-434.

Tomkeieff S.I. On some chloritic minerals associated with the basaltic Carboniferous rocks of Derbyshire // Min. Mag. 1926. Vol. 21. P. 73-82.

Tomkeieff S.I. On the occurrence and mode of origin of certain kaolinite-bearing nodules in the coal measures // Proc. Geol. Assoc. 1927. Vol. 38. N 4. P. 518-547.

Tomkeieff S.I. On the weathering of Cheviot granite under the peat // Proc. Univ. Durham phil. Soc. 1927. Vol. 7. P. 233-243.

Tomkeieff S.I. The volcanic complex of Calton Hill (Derbyshire) // Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London. 1928. Vol. 84. P. 703-718.

Tomkeieff S.I. A contribution to the petrology of the Whin Sill // Min. Mag. 1929. Vol. 28. P. 100- 120.

Tomkeieff S.I. Lower Carboniferous igneous rocks // Contributions to the geology of Northumberland and Durham: Proc. Geol. Assoc. London. 1931. Vol. 42. P. 259-261.

Tomkeieff S., Tesch P. On a dolerite in the Dutch Carboniferous // Geol. Mag. 1931. Vol. 68. N 5. P. 231-236.

Tomkeieff S.I. Clay minerals and bauxite minerals, a review and classification based on a statistical method // Min. Mag. 1933. Vol. 23. N 143. P. 463-482.

Tomkeieff S.I. Differentiation in basalt lava, Island Magee, Co. Antrim // Geol. Mag. 1934. Vol. 71. N 11. P. 501-512.

Charlesworth J.K., Richey J.E., Hartley J.J., <…> Tomkeieff S.I. Summer field meeting, 1935. North-East Ireland: August 13th to 23rd, 1935 // Proc. Geol. Assoc. 1935. Vol. 46. N 4. P. 493-502.

Charlesworth J.K., McCallien W.J., Hartley J.J., <…> Tomkeieff S.I. The geology of North-East Ireland: Written for the Summer Field Meeting. 1935 // Ibid. P. 441-486.

Tomkeieff S.I. The dolerite plug at Ballygally Head, Co. Antrim // Irish. Nat. J. 1935. Vol. 3. P. 252-257.

Tomkeieff S.I., Marshall C.E. The mourne dyke swarm // Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London. 1935. Vol. 91. N 1/4. P. 251-292.

Tomkeieff S.I. Petrochemistry of the Scottish Carboniferous-Permian igneous rocks // Bull. Volcanol. 1937. Vol. 1. N 1. P. 59-87.

Tomkeieff S.I. The role of carbon dioxide in igneous magmas // Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1938. P. 417-418.

Tomkeieff S.I. Franz Youlievich Loewinson-Lessing // Nature. 1939. Vol. 144. P. 1005-1006; // Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London. 1940. Vol. 96. P. lxiv-lxvi.

Tomkeieff S.I. The classification of igneous rocks: an historical approach // Geol. Mag. 1939. Vol. 76. N 1. P. 41-48.

Tomkeieff S.I. First use of current-bedding to determine orientation of strata // Nature. 1940. Vol. 146. N 3698. P. 369.

Tomkeieff S.I. The basalt lavas of the Giants Causeway district of Northern Ireland // Bull. Volcanol. 1940. Vol. 6. N 1. P. 89-143.

Tomkeieff S.I. The dolerite plugs of Tieveragh and Tievebulliagh near Cushendall, Co. Antrim, with a note on buchite // Geol. Mag. 1940. Vol. 77. N 1. P. 34-64.

Tomkeieff S.I., Marshall C.E. The Killough-Ardglass dyke swarm // Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London. 1940. Vol. 96. P. 321-338.

Tomkeieff S.I. Metasomatism in the basalt at Haddenrig quarry near Kelso and the veining of the rocks exposed there // Min. Mag. 1941. Vol. 26. P. 45-59.

Tomkeieff S.I. A nomogram for the law of direction - cosines // Min. Mag. 1942. Vol. 26. P.272-273.

Tomkeieff S.I., Peel R.F. Igneous rocks from the Central Libyan Desert // Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London. 1942. Vol. 98. P. 223-234.

Tomkeieff S.I. On the origin of the name «quartz» // Min. Mag. 1942. Vol. 26. P. 172-178.

Tomkeieff S.I., Blackburn K.B. On the remains of fossil wood enclosed in a Tertiary lava on the Isle of Rum, Inner Hebrides // Geol. Mag. 1942. Vol. 79. N 1. P. 14-17.

Tomkeieff S.I. The Tertiary lavas of Rum // Ibid. P. 1-13.

Tomkeieff S.I. Megatectonics and microtectonics // Nature. 1943. Vol. 152. N 3856. P. 347-349.

Tomkeieff S.I. The Carboniferous lavas of the Ballycastle district // Irish Nat. J. 1943. Vol. 8. P. 67-72.

Tomkeieff S.I. Geochemistry in the USSR // Nature. 1944. Vol. 154. N 3922. P. 814-816.

Tomkeieff S.I. Geophysics and Geomorphology in USSR // Ibid. N 3915. P. 619.

Tomkeieff S.I. Physico-chemical analysis in USSR // Ibid. N 3914. P. 582-583.

Tomkeieff S.I. Progress of geology in the USSR // Ibid. N 3918. P. 711-712.

Tomkeieff S.I. Chemical composition of marine organisms // Nature. 1945. Vol. 156. N 3968. P. 607.

Tomkeieff S.I. Linear intercepts, areas and volumes // Ibid. Vol. 155. N 3923. P. 24, 107.

Tomkeieff S.I. Non-metallic deposits of the USSR // Ibid Vol. 156. N 3973. P. 759-760.

Tomkeieff S.I. On the petrology of the ultrabasic and basic plutonic rocks of the Isle of Rhum // Mineral Mag. 1945. Vol. 27. P. 127-136.

Tomkeieff S.I. Particle shape // Nature. 1945. Vol. 155. N 3943. P. 639.

Tomkeieff S.I. Petrology of the Carboniferous igneous rocks of the Tweed Basin // Trans. Edin. Geol. Soc. 1945. Vol. 14. P. 53-75.

Tomkeieff S.I. Prof. V.I. Vernadsky // // Nature. 1945. Vol. 155. N 3932. P. 296.

Tomkeieff S.I. Volcanological station of Kamchatka // Ibid. Vol.156. N 3969. P. 640-641.

Tomkeieff S.I. [Rev.] Russian appreciation of the Newton tricentenary. (Isaak Newton. 1643-1727. The third centenary of his birthday. Ed. by S.I. Wawilow. M.-L., Acad. Sci. USSR, 1943, 437 p.) // Nature. 1945. Vol. 155. N 3943. P. 618-619.

Tomkeieff S.I. A bent pebble // Nature. 1946. Vol. 157. N 3998. P. 804.

Tomkeieff S.I. James Huttons «Theory of the Earth» 1795 // Proc. Geol. Assoc. 1946. Vol. 57. N 4. P. 322-328.

Tomkeieff S.I. Geology and petrology in the USSR (1943-44) // Nature. 1946. Vol. 157. N 3984. P. 310-311.

Tomkeieff S.I. Limnology in the USSR // Ibid. N 3982. P. 239.

Tomkeieff S.I. Magmatic rolls // Ibid. Vol. 158. N 4012. P. 420-421.

Tomkeieff S.I. The academy of sciences of the USSR // Ibid. N 4009. P. 315.

Tomkeieff S.I. The geochemistry of uranium // Sci. Progr. 1946. Vol. 34. P. 696-712.

Tomkeieff S.I. Zavaritzkys petrological methods // Nature. 1946. Vol. 157. N 3986. P. 378-379.

Tomkeieff S.I. Analytical geology // Nature. 1947. Vol. 160. N 4076. P. 846-847.

Tomkeieff S.I. The Tertiary igneous rocks in the neighbourhood of Ballintoy, Co. Antrim. In 3 pts. Irish Nat. J. 1947-1953: Part I. The Knocksoghey sill. 1947. Vol. 9. P. 89-96; Tomkeieff S.I., Patterson E.M. Part II. The Carickarade volcano. 1948. Vol. 9. P. 203-212; Part III. Coast near Ballintoy harbour. 1953. Vol. 11. P. 35-45.

Tomkeieff S.I. James Hutton and the philosophy of geology // Trans. Geol. Soc. Edin. 1948. Vol. 14. P. 253-276; Reprinted // Proc. Royal Soc. Edin. 1950. B. Vol. 63. P. 387-400.

Tomkeieff S.I. On the derivation of the names «quartz», «gneiss», «wacke» and «Kramenzelkalk» // Geol Rundsch. 1948. Bd. 36. S. 98-99. URL

Tomkeieff S.I. Reserve of coal and petroleum in the USSR and the world. Review of contributions to the 17 International Geological Congress, Russia, 1937 // Fuel. 1949. Vol. 28. P. 159-162.

Tomkeieff S.I. The Term «Magma-Type» // Geol. Mag. 1949. Vol. 86. N 2. P. 130.

Tomkeieff S.I. The volcanoes of Kamchatka // Bull. Volcanol. 1949. Vol. 8. N 1. P. 87-113.

Tomkeieff S.I. Geology in historical perspective // Advmt. Sci. 1950. Vol. 7. N 25. P. 63-67.

Tomkeieff S.I. The anatomy of geology // Bull. Brit. Soc. Hist. Sci. 1950. Vol. 1. P.87-89.

Tomkeieff S.I. Analcite-trachybasalt inclusions in the phonolite of Traprain Law // Trans. Edin. Geol. Soc. 1952. Vol. 15. P. 360.

Campbell H., Tomkeieff S.I. Calculation of the internal surface of a lung // Nature. 1952. Vol. 170. N 4316. P. 117.

Tomkeieff S.I. Nepheline-basanite of Southdean, Roxburghshire // Trans. Edin. Geol. Soc. 1952. Vol. 14. P. 349-359.

Tomkeieff S.I. Dr. A.N. Zavaritzky // Nature. 1953. Vol. 171. N 4354. P. 634-635.

Tomkeieff S.I. Dr. Y.A. Bilibin // Ibid. N 4353. P. 594.

Arkell W.J., Tomkeieff S.I. English rock terms, chiefly as used by miners and quarrymen. London: Oxford University Press, 1953. 139 p.

Tomkeieff S.I. «Huttons Unconformity», Isle of Arran // Geol. Mag. 1953. Vol. 90. N 6. P. 404-408.

Tomkeieff S.I. The Carboniferous Igneous rocks of the Kelso District // Proc. Univ. Durham phil. Soc. 1953. Vol. 11. P. 95-101.

Tomkeieff S.I. The Riphaean System and the structure of the Russian platform // Proc. Geol. Soc. London. 1953. P. CVIII-CXIII.

Tomkeieff S.I. The tholeiite dyke at Cowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne // Proc. Univ. Durham phil. Soc. 1953. Vol. 11. P. 91-94.

Tomkeieff S.I. A new approach // Discovery. 1954.Vol. 15. P. 373-378.

Tomkeieff S.I. A new periodic table of the elements based on the structure of the atom. London: Chapman & Hall, 1954. 30 p. 2 charts; Rev. // The American mineralogist. 1955. Vol. 40. P. 1148.

Tomkeieff S.I. Coals and bitumens: and related fossil carbonaceous substances; nomenclature and classification. London: Pergamon Press, 122 p.

Tomkeieff S.I. Petrochemistry and petrogenesis // The tectonic control of igneous activity: Inter. Univ. Geol. Congress. Leeds, 1954. P. 24-27.

Tomkeieff S.I. Prof. D.S. Belyankin // Nature. 1954. Vol. 173. N 4402. P. 472.

Tomkeieff S.I. Prof. H.G.A. Hickling, F.R.S // Ibid. Vol. 174. N 4428. P. 486-487.

Tomkeieff S.I. The periodic table and its applications // Ibid. Vol. 173. N 4400. P. 393-395.

Tomkeieff S.I. [Ed, transl.] F.Y. Loewinson-Lessing. A Historical Survey of Petrology. Edinburg: Olivier&Boyd, 1954. 112 p.

Tomkeieff S.I. Coals and bitumens and related fossil carbonaceous substances, nomenclature and classification. London: Pergamon Press, 1954. 122 p.

Tomkeieff S.I. Atomic sizes and bond types in their relation to the periodic system and to the structure of the atom // Sci. Progr. 1955. Vol. 43. P. 28-44.

Tomkeieff S.I. D.I. Mendeleieff and the periodic system // Nature. 1955. Vol. 176. N 4490. P. 965-966.

Tomkeieff S.I. Erasmus Darwin // Ibid. N 4485. P. 711.

Tomkeieff S.I. Space lattices of the crystalline elements in relation to the periodic table // Min. Mag. 1955. Vol. 30. P. 625-632.

Tomkeieff S.I. Geochemistry in the USSR (1948-1953) // Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 1956. Vol. 1. P. 235-284.

Tomkeieff S.I. James Hutton and John Playfair // Nature. 1956. Vol. 178. N 4543. P. 1137-1138.

Tomkeieff S.I. Lattice types and packing densities of the crystalline elements and their relation to the periodic system // Sci. Progr. 1956. Vol. 44. P. 38-52.

Tomkeieff S.I. Prof. P.N. Chirvinsky // Nature. 1956. Vol. 177. N 4502. P. 259.

Tomkeieff S.I. V.A. Obruchev // Ibid. 178. N 4541. P. 1028.

Tomkeieff S.I. A definition of coal // Economic Geology. 1957. Vol. 52. N 5. P. 584-585.

Tomkeieff S.I. Documentation and dissemination of information // Nature. 1957. Vol. 180. N 4588. P. 674.

Tomkeieff S.I. Electronegativity, periodic table and the properties of the elements // The School Sci. Rev. 1957. Vol. 38. N 135. P. 244-252.

Tomkeieff S.I. Lvov Geological Society // Nature. 1957. Vol. 179. N 4552. P. 190-191.

Tomkeieff S.I. The Oslo petrographical province // Sci. Progr. 1957. N 179. P. 429-446.

Tomkeieff S.I. Diamonds in Siberia // Nature. 1958. Vol. 181. N 4605. P. 323-324.

Tomkeieff S.I. The periodic table of the elements as a basis of geochemistry // Sci. Progr. 1958. Vol. 46. N 181. P. 46-62.

Томкеев С.И., Яблоков В.С. Мари Стопс // Изв. АН СССР. Сер. геол. 1959. № 8. С. 112.

Tomkeieff S.I. Geochemistry in the USSR (1954-1956) // Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 1959. Vol. 3. P. 349-413.

Tomkeieff S.I. Iron ore in the Soviet Union // Nature. 1959. Vol. 183. N 4667. P. 1028.

Tomkeieff S.I. Metallogenic maps // Ibid. Vol. 184. N 4700. P. 1693.

Tomkeieff S.I. The Periodic Law // Ibid. 4699. P.1598-1599.

Tomkeieff S.I. The progress of geology in the USSR // Liverpool &Manch. Geol. J. 1959. Vol. 2. Pt. 3. P. 474-502; Idem // Geotimes. 1960. Vol. 5. N 1. P. 22-25, 45-50; N 2. P. 8-14, 38-39.

Томкеев С.И., Меннер В.В., Михайлов Н.П. В.Д. Аркелл. (1904-1958) // Изв. АН СССР. Сер. геол. 1960. № 9. С. 136-137.

Томкеев С.И., Тихомиров В.В. Феликс Освальд (1866-1958) // Изв. АН АрмССР. Геол. и геогр. науки. 1960. Т. 13. № 5. С. 67-70.

Tomkeieff S.I. Translators preface // D.V. Nalivkin. The geology of the USSR including a 7 500 000 scale geological map of USSR. London, Oxford: Pergamon Press. 1960. P. VII-IX.

Tomkeieff S.I. [Rev.] Russian-English Glossary of Optics and Spectroscopy // Nature. 1960. N 4722. P. 347.

Tomkeieff S.I. Alkalic ultrabasic rock and carbonatites in the USSR // Intern. Geol. Review. 1961. Vol. 3. N. 9. P. 739-758.

Tomkeieff S.Y. Dr. N.S. Shatsky // Nature. 1961. Vol. 191. N 4788. P. 542.

Tomkeieff S.I. Isle of Arran. Colchester: Benham & Co Ltd, 1961. 33 p. (Geol. Association Guides N 32)

Tomkeieff S.Y. Kamchatka-Kuriles volcanoes // Sci. Progr. 1961. Vol. 49. N 196. P. 641-650.

Tomkeieff S.I. Nikolai Sergeievich Shatsky // Proc. Geol. Soc. London. 1961. N 1592. P. 149-150.

Tomkeieff S.I. Prof. A.F. Kapustinsky // Nature. 1961. Vol. 191. N 4789. P 647.

Tomkeieff S.I. Some Aspects of Asiatic Russia // Ibid. Vol. 192. P. 200-201.

Tomkeieff S.I., Longstaff M. The magmatic complex at Kingscross Point, Isle of Arran // Trans. Edin. geol. Soc. 1961. Vol. 18. P. 194-201.

Tomkeieff S.I. The progress of geology in the USSR // Geol. J. 1961. Vol. 2. N 3. P. 474-502.

Tomkeieff S.Y. [Rev.] T.A. Sofiano. English-Russian and Russian-English geological dictionary // Nature. 1961. Vol. 191. N 4783. P. 9.

Томкеев С.И. Карбонатиты, их природа и происхождение // Минералогич. сб. Львов. геол. об-ва. № 16. 1962. С. 318-327.

Tomkeieff S.I. Geology and Geophysics in the USSR // Nature. 1962. Vol. 196. N 4858. P. 941-942.

Tomkeieff S.I. Geology in the USSR // Ibid. Vol. 194. N 4828. P. 535-536.

Tomkeieff S.I. Unconformity - A historical study // Proc. Geol. Assoc. 1962. Vol. 73. N 4. P. 383-417.

Tomkeieff S.I. [Rev.] Scientific Russian by Dr. A. Holt. Pp. xv+ 195. (London; Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 1962.) // Nature. 1962. Vol. 196. P. 872. URL

Tomkeieff S.I. Academician A.V. Topchiev // Nature. 1963. Vol. 197. N 4870. P. 847.

Tomkeieff S.I. «Aureole» versus «halo» // Economic Geology. 1963. Vol 58. N 4. P. 601-603.

Tomkeieff S.I. Palæomagnetic Studies in the USSR // Nature. 1963. Vol. 197. N 4867. P. 546.

Tomkeieff S.I. Palæontology in the USSR // Ibid. N 4870. P. 854-855.

Tomkeieff S.I. Prof. W.E. Tröger // Ibid. N 4886. P. 1143.

Tomkeieff S.I. A Great geological hoax // Nature. 1964. Vol. 202. P. 1148-1149. URL

Tomkeieff S.I. Lamarck as a Geologist // Ibid. Vol. 204. N 4962. P. 961-962.

Tomkeieff S.I. Petrochemistry and Petrogenesis of the British Tertiary Igneous Province // Advancing Frontiers of Geology and Geophysics (Krishnan vol.). Hyderabad: Indian Geophys, Union, 1964. P. 327-350.

Tomkeieff S.I. The economic geology of quarried materials - Igneous and metamorphic rocks // Quarry Managers J. 1964. Vol. 48. N 3. P. 85-94.

Tomkeieff S.I. [Rev.] Russian-English Physics Dictionary by Irving Emin and the Consultants Bureau Staff of Physicist-Translators. Pp. xxx+554. (New York and London: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1963.) 105s. // Nature. 1964. Vol. 201. P. 754. URL

Tomkeieff S.I., Battey M.H. Aspects of theoretical mineralogy in the USSR. London: Pergamon, 1964. 507 p.

Tomkeieff S.I. A.A. Saukov // Nature. 1965. Vol. 207. N 5000. P. 915. URL

Tomkeieff S.I. B.M. Kupletsky: [Obituary] // Ibid. P. 915.

Tomkeieff S.I. Cheviot Hills. (Geol. Assoc. Exc. Guide N 37). Colchester, 1965.

Tomkeieff S.I. K.A. Vlasov // Nature. 1965. Vol. 207. N 5001. P. 1032.

Tomkeieff S.I. Academician D.I. Shcherbakov // Nature. 1966. Vol. 212. N 5059. P. 240.

Tomkeieff S.I. Russian for Scientists and others // Nature. 1966. Vol. 210. N 5041.

Tomkeieff S.I. [Rev.] [Б.П. Высоцкий. Иоганнес Вальтер и его роль в развитии геологии. М.: Наука, 1965. 176 с.] // Arch. Int. Hist. Sci. 1966. N 77. P. 390.

Tomkeieff S.I. [Rev.] Pocket Dictionary // Nature. 1966. Vol. 212. N 5066. P. 1009.

Tomkeieff S.I., Battey M.H. [Eds., Transl.] K.M. Vlasov et al. Lovozero alkali massif. Edinburg, 1966. 627 p.

Tomkeieff S.I. Find a Word // Nature. 1967. Vol. 215. N 5104. P. 1007.

Tomkeieff S.I., Hemingway J.E. [Ed.]. N.M. Strakhov. Principles of lithogenesis: 3 vols. N.Y.: Plenum Publ. Corp.; Edinburgh: Oliver and Bojd, 1967-1970: Vol. 1. 1967. 245 p.; Vol. 2. 1969. 609 p.; Vol. 3. 577 p.

Томкеев С.И. Петрологический англо-русский толковый словарь: В 2 т. М.: Мир, 1986: Т. 1. 286 с.; Т. 2. 284 с.

Литература о С.И. Томкееве

Наливкин Д.В., Григорьев Д.П., Франк-Каменецкий В.А. Памяти профессора С.И. Томкеева // Зап. ВМО. 1969. Ч. 98. № 3. С. 373.

Устиев Е.К., Влодавец В.И., Петров В.П. С.И. Томкеев: [Некролог] // Изв. АН СССР. Сер. геол. 1969. № 8. С. 145-146: порт.

Obituaries: Professor S.I. Tomkeieff // Nature. 1968. Vol. 220. N 5170. S. 939. URL

B.L. Fisher Library. The Tomkeieff collection: a short-title listing of the geological library of late Professor S.I. Tomkeieff, with two memoirs of his life and works. Surry Hills: Wentworth, 1974. 67 p.

Dunham K.S. Serge Tomkeieff and the petrochemistry of basalt. Newcastle upon Tyne: Univ. print serv., 1969. 20 p. (Fist Tomkeieff Memorial lecture).

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